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Publish a High Visibility Job Ad!


Your job has the benefits of a Standard Job Ad, plus:

  • Your job has a prominent white background
  • Your job is shown first in all job searches and emails
  • Your job is highlighted at the top of our 1 300 subscriber newsletter
  • Your job is highlighted in listings and searches
  • Your job is shown on rotation in the Top Jobs box


  • A High Visibility Job Ad is perfectly suited for recruiting for a senior and/or specialised position, or for advertising a position with a close deadline
  • A High Visibility Job Ad will maximize the exposure of your vacancy and increases your chances of finding the best candidate for your position


We can

  • Create a unique EuroTechJobs-hosted web page with your entire job description and logo prominently displayed
  • Link directly to your organisation's web page (or PDF document), taking readers to your website

Order a High Visibility Job

Price: 960 Euros (+20% UK VAT if applicable)

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